What is the difference between the three?

Product managers

Product managers (also known as PMs) are

  • build a product that solves a customer problem
  • responsible for the overall success of a product.
  • Lead entire development process,
  • Define a product’s functions and workflows and
  • communicate key information to internal and external stakeholders.

PM needs to:

  • knowing who your customers are
  • discovering why they are having problems ****and Identify their problems and pain points
  • determining what you need to build to solve those problems
  • deciding how to go about getting it built
  • brainstorm various ways to solve in the most optimal way
  • prioritize the things to build something faster, more efficient, or more cost effective
  • assessing market risk and determining how to mitigate those risks

“Product managers might work with a team of engineers and designers as well as people in marketing, sales, and operations to come up with the best solution,”

Product marketers

Product marketing, or product marketing management (PMM) as it is sometimes known, is typically very focused on the customer. The product marketer is responsible for making sure that the company fully understands customer needs and builds products to meet those needs.

Product marketing managers also communicate with customers after a product becomes available, promoting the product so that customers understand how it fits into their lives and helps them to address a problem or issue.

“In the first model, the product marketer is like a subcontractor who becomes an expert in first understanding the user and then communicating a differentiated value proposition to the right customer,,” says David. “The product marketer supports the product manager in deciding where to take the product strategically based on customer input gathered and analyzed by the product marketer.”

“In the second model, the product marketer is mainly responsible for communicating with the customers but doesn’t play as active a role in informing the product strategy,” says David.

“Product marketers work with researchers, customer experience designers, and other customer-facing resources in the company to understand the customers as well as possible,” says David. “They may also work with engineers and data scientists to use feedback tools to get customer insights based on how people use the product. Once they have aggregated all of that data on how customers behave, they then work with the product management team to share what they have learned about the customers and what they think the product team might do in terms of setting product priorities to meet customer needs.”

On the customer-facing side, product marketers work with communications professionals, including brand marketing, marketing communications, and growth teams.

“They work with those teams to develop the marketing communications and the access points where customers engage with the company or where they try to convert customers,” says David. “The goal is to make sure the marketing team is coming up with the most optimal way of acquiring and retaining customers.”

Both PMs and PMMs commonly work on conducting market research, market analysis, market sizing, customer interviews (also known as user interviews of customer development), and ethnographic research to find out who their customers are and to understand customer problems.

15 Mistakes I Made as a First Generation Entrepreneur

  1. Idea Generation
    1. Is the Idea worth Considering?
  2. Idea Screening
    1. Is the product Idea compatible with company objectives, strategies and resources?
  3. Concept Development and Testing
    1. Can we find a good concept, consumers say they would buy?
  4. Marketing Strategy and Development
    1. Can we find a cost effective, affordable marketing startegy?
  5. Business Analysis
    1. Will this product meet our profit goal?
  6. Product Development
    1. Have we got a technically and commercially sound product?
  7. Test Marketing
    1. Have product sales met expectations?
  8. Commercialisation
    1. Are product sales meeting expectations?
Categories: Uncategorized


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